FOR digital product creators

Learn to create
templates & printables
that sell on autopilot

Get on demand training
templates & resources & 24h support
For Only $7/MONTH
I've seen similar programs sell for thousands
but I wanted to create one every aspiring digital product creator
could afford for just $7/month

Just some of things you could sell



Canva Templates




This is the membership I wish I was in, when I started out 7 years ago

My name is Jessa and I have built a digital product business that has made over 125,000 sales in the 7 years I've been online.

I have 18 Etsy stores selling all sorts of lovely things on autopilot so I know a thing or two about creating digital products that actually sell.

I've also built the bulk of it with a baby on my knee - so if I can do it so can you!

But can you really make a full time living
from selling something that's under $10?

And they are way simpler than you thought right?
You don't need to be a designer to make templates & printables that sell!

Let me breakdown why templates & printables
changed everything for me

1 sale a day
@ $15


$5,475 a year


5 sales a day
@ $15


$27,375 a year


10 sales a day
@ $15


$54,750 a year


20 sales a day
@ $15


$109,500 a year


You've tried to do this yourself...

  • Googling & Youtubing only to end up confused from conflicting advice from a million different sources
  • ​Following an 'expert's advice' only to find out they are hiding their own store, you finally track it down and it has barely any sales
  • ​​Opening an Etsy store, upload your products only to get 3 sales every 2 months that only just cover the fees!
  • Watching Canva tutorials only to have them break your brain because 'how on earth do you get that template link to the customer?'
  • ​Searching for graphics to use on your templates only to sit in your chair confused by commercial licenses and what you can & can't do
  • Sitting down to make your products but the blank screen and the overwhelm set in because you don't know where to start!
  • ​Trying make products but they don't sell, and everyone is talking about 'trends' and you have no idea how they find them!
Wow... that is a lot
You are totally overwhelmed aren't you?
How can you book that holiday, retire your hubby or even make enough to cover the rising cost of living at the moment when you can't even get started?
Or you could use my

Tested process that's made me over 125,000 digital product sales

Here is what happens when you do that:
  • You finally have the clarity to focus on things one step at a time instead of sitting paralyzed in overwhelm
  • ​​You get access to step-by-step tutorials where teach you how to make specific products
  • Instead of wondering if you are doing it right, you can ask a community of like minds & your coach if what you have done is on track
  • ​​You fast forward the learning phase and skip straight the cha-ching phase
  • You get access to detailed monthly trend reports so you aren't left scratching your head
  • ​​You can finally book that holiday, retire that hubby, or buy those organic avocados in the supermarket you have had your eye on (guilt free 😉)!

I'll be honest with you

It took me a long time
to work this out

While now I have my business running smoothly, I wasn't always on a one-to-many model. Before I found the power of passive income, I was trapped in a service based cycle of trading time for money and constantly having to find new clients, chase up invoices & riding the waves of financial inconsistently.

I was told by someone that being in business is always a feast or a famine, and in those early days of business I just accepted this as one of the facts of working for yourself.

Then I found the power of digital products, and everything changed.
I started selling templates online and for the first time ever, I felt like I had space to breathe, and be creative in my business again. I wasn't constantly anxious about making ends meet and finding work - instead my income was made up of a high volume of low price digital product purchases.

I built my first store with an
8 week old on my lap

It's true! My very first template store built literally single handedly with
my second born in one hand, my mouse in the other. You see the beautiful
thing about selling printables & templates?

You can build them up gradually. It's small steps taken over time,
and before you know it your store is humming with profitability!
As a busy mum of 4 gorgeous kids under 9 - time is so valuable & I believe we are in a golden age at the moment where income has become more accessible which is one of the reasons I am so passionate about helping my students build thriving businesses & work smarter rather than harder.

If I can do it juggling small tiny humans - trust me - you can do it too.

Some of my lovely best sellers


The template & printable

The exact steps to create templates & printables
that sell on autopilot
Welcome to the...

Template Creators

Create your templates & printables step-by-step without the fluff and the overwhelm -
and finally build an extra stream of income that gives you back your freedom.

When you join the template Creators Society...
You get everything you need to make printables & templates
You’ll get instant access to:
  • A vault of trainings that step you through the creation process
  • ​​Canva masterclass to help you create and sell templates
  • ​An ever-growing resource library templates, planners & workbooks
  • ​Access to the inner circle Facebook group for accountability, connection and support
  • ​Feedback on your products in the Facebook inner circle group
  • ​​Live Coaching and Q&A every month
  • ​​​New monthly trainings to help your business grow

Starting your own digital product business
just takes 3 easy steps

Includes a training portal with
step-by-step videos to help you
take action

Get a new one monthly

Also all of these resources

The Bonuses

Get these three amazing value packed bonuses to cement your success,
plus access to a community where you can share your wins, ask questions and connect
with like minds on the same path as you.


Learn how to turn Pinterest into a traffic driving powerhouse to organically drive traffic to your templates & printables


Email Nurture

You have heard email marketing is important but wouldn't even know where to start! Grab my very own email nurture templates so you can skip straight to building your list.

Lead Magnet

Learn how to create irresistible freebies that build your list and upsell to your digital products with this training on lead magnets.

The Template Creators Society
is for two specific people

The aspiring digital product creator who wants to add an extra stream of income
The entrepreneur who is wants to branch out & create scalable products for their current business

If you can check one of these boxes,
you’re in the right place!

Likeminded Community

There is nothing quite like the momentum of a group of like minds. Get free access to the inner circle Facebook group & get support, share you wins + enjoy the ride!


New actionable monthly training via the Template Creators portal to help you stay
in the loop with trends, software and so much more.

 I am so convinced of the method and tools shared in this success club because they helped me to completely change my life and create the business of my dreams

The lovely things they say

I have a question for you...

What if you just
sold one template?

I love celebrating our members' wins…

But I also love that you can fund this membership with just one sale a month.

 Do you think that the training, templates &
community momentum can get you just one sale?

 You don’t need to spend thousands on an
ecommerce website, design software or the next trendy strategy sold for $997+ to get started !

With my tried and true grass roots frame work I take you through the
full process of creating your printables & templates step-by-step.
If you’re asking yourself…

“I already bought so many things that didn’t help me and why do I need the Template Creators Society?”

Then let me tell you this:
  • This is nothing like the things you’ve bought before
  • ​​This will help you overcome the overwhelm, and step you through the full creation process
  • ​When you learn instead of outsource, you become better equipped when the time comes to actually scale and grow your team - as you know exactly the jobs you can delegate
  • ​You aren’t in this alone anymore. Be part of a supportive community of amazing people that are on the same journey.
  • ​​There is no risk (7-day money back guarantee and you can cancel at any time)
  • ​This cost less than a couple cups of coffee at Starbucks but other than the coffee, this has the potential to change your whole life giving you the knowledge you need to finally create the freedom giving stream of income you dream of!
I swear by the things I share with you in this success
club because it's the same way I created my most successful Etsy stores (and I have 18 of them so you know it works!)

I want the same for you!

Go from being confused and not knowing where to start
to being crystal clear about want to make

Stop trying to cobble together a strategy from a hundred different teachers
and instead follow a clear, step-by-step process where everything is laid out for you.

Stop trying to figure out all the things, all by yourself
Get the support you need, feedback & accountability in our amazing new members inner circle.

Frequently asked questions

Q: I am an aspiring digital product creator and I'm just getting started. Will this still work for me?
A: Yes, this works especially well for new digital product creators as it has a step-by-step process you can follow to get your templates & printables store up and running fast.

Q: Can I wait and join next month?
A: Yes, you can but the price might increase.

Q: I don't have an audience or email list yet.
Is that a problem?
A: No, this is one thing that this success club will help you with. You will get the tools and strategies you need to grow a loyal tribe and engaged email list fast.

Q: I am not tech savvy. Do I need a bunch of tools to make this work?
A: No, this is very beginner and budget-friendly and you don't need to be good with tech or buy any software.

Q: When will I get access?
A: Immediately after your purchase you will get portal access via email, and will get access to our inner circle group within 24 hours.

Q: I've been trying to create a digital product store for a while. Will I still find value?
A: Yes, this success club will provide you resources, planners, templates, a community, support, networking, accountability, and partnership opportunities that will help you to get your printable & tempalte business to the next level.

Q: I don't have any printables or templates or yet. Will this still work for me?
A: Yes! The club helps step you through everything you need to know!

Q: Does this only work for designers?
A: No, this works for anyone who is willing to grab it with two hands & learn.

Q: How much support is included?
A: There is a 24h written support included which means that you will get all your questions answered within our members-only support group within 1 day.

Q: Can I cancel the membership?
A: Yes, you can cancel this membership any time.

Q: Is there a money-back guarantee?

A: Yes absolutely! We swear by our training,
so much so we offer a
7-Day no-questions-asked money-back-guarantee.